Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Ping Pong is a project done between Colombian artists José Antonio Suárez Londoño (J.A.S.L.) and Mateo López (M.L). Every week, they agree on a rule and make a graphic composition about it. They are not allowed to discuss their work, or show each other their pieces. This one was about d'après (from French, it means according to, in the opinion of, or retrieved from).

J.A.S.L and M.L also exchange between themselves a small Moleskine drawing notebook, where they keep an on going graphic discussion. Casas Riegner, their gallery, edited a fac simile of the Libreta No. 1, specially for ArtBasel 41.

All they work was sold before the ArtBasel public viewing started. They are good like this... By the end of Libreta No. 4, their collaboration will be over.

d'après (2010)
© J.A.S.L and M.L

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A PJ state of mind

I repeat myself today: I am in PJ state of mind. Take life as it comes...